Did you realise that western toilets are ergonomically incorrect and make it harder to properly eliminate your poop?
The human colon is not design to function that way – mother nature didnt invent chairs for us to sit on while we pooped. In nature we would squat to poop – and this action of squatting down allows you bowl to “un-kink” itself – aiding in the passage of faecal matter when you go to the loo.
The recently released squat-potty is a great way to mimic this squatting action in your own home on your western toilet. The squat-potty allows you to “squat” while you do your business. This facilitates greater bowel movements – which will aid in emptying you out, can help constipation and bloating, and a general sense of wellbeing.
The squat potty is also good if you are doing a detox, as it helps you to feel like you are eliminating your toxins more quickly via bowel movements, which will help prevent toxin-reabsorption in the large intestine, while faeces sits around waiting to be fully evacuated.
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Thanks I have one of these in my house now and it does help me to feel like i have completely gone to the toilet where as before it was more difficult.
Yes they are fantastic!!